» Italian
Marittime and Port Works

Trieste Dock VII enlargment
Feasibility study, preliminary, definitive and operative design, including safety coordination during designing stage to optimize and make full use of the platform of Dock VII (Trieste), to be realized in 4 progressive steps. Customer: Soc. Trieste Marine Terminal, Trieste, Molo VII, Porto Franco Nuovo Amount: 250.000.000,00 euros » Italian

Ancona Port enlargment and optimization
Nr.3 hypothesis of preliminary and definitive design for enlargment and optimizazion of Industrial Port in Ancona. Customer: Customer: Soc. TO Delta, Livorno, 9. Extimated amount: 85.000.000,00 euros 69.000.000,00 euros 63.000.000,00 euros » Italian

Maritime works improvements design, Stresa
Structural design of the enlargment of Stresa Marina (Maggiore Lake) and flooding wave check. » Italian

Dock redevelopment, Trieste
Architectural, structural and plant design, work supervision for redeveloping n.2 and nr.3 Dock of ex Arsenale San Marco in Trieste. Customer: APT(Port authority Trieste), Trieste, Via Karl Ludwig Von Bruck, 3. Amount: 558.000,00 euros » Italian

Seismic vulnerability evaluation, Dock VII, Trieste
Insertion of steel beams between the quay deck and the poles in order to use the deformation capacity of the structures. » Italian

Reinforcement of the railways support beams for STS crane, Trieste
Design and realization of a new stay rod’s system to increase load bearing capacity of the railways support beams of the Dock VII (Trieste). Customer: TMT (Trieste Marine Terminal) Amount: 16.000.000,00 Euros » Italian

Preliminary, definitive and operative structural design for quay realization, Dock VII (Trieste)
Realization of new 403 meters of quay with reinforced concrete poles with 1,20 m in diameter and deck realized with predalles. Realization of new railways support beams to support new generation cranes with outreach of 26 rows. Bitts design to support 300 tonn. Bumpers and other furniture of new generation. Customer: TMT (Trieste Marine Terminal)…