R.G.B. – Studio Bechi Ingegneri – Pisa specializes in design of works and civil, industrial buildings, thanks to its remarkable expertise in these fields. The Team of professional engineers provides designing/redevelopment services of historical buildings subject to S.B.A.P.P.S.A.E and integrated design in structural, architectural, road and railway fields.
RGB Studio satisfies the demands of public and private contractors offering feasibility studies followed by preliminary, final and operative projects.
RGB Studio has a remarkable know-how in industrial port design, in dimensioning of quays equipped with mooring bitts, anchorage elements, platforms and in railways ramps and junctions design along with warehouses, workshops and offices.
Structural design is the pride of RGB Studio thanks to its team of professional engineers which is able to meet all the requests dictated by the most recent national (DM 14/01/08) and european (Eurocodes) regulations and in this regards the Studio is relying on the most advanced currently available coded programs FEM type and on CAD/BIM software.
» Italian