The Studio » About Us

R.G.B. – Studio Bechi Ingegneri – Pisa was founded in 1945 by Dott. Ing. Renato Bechi who, after the end of world war II and during his career, designed and redevelloped important civil and industrial works and dedicated himself to the teaching of Construction Theory and Construction Engineering as a professor in Pisa University.

The activity of RGB Studio was continued by his son Eng. Gino Bechi who expanded his action in civil field by designing civil buildings and Medical Centers. Eng. Gino Bechi designed, supervisioned the construction in roads building, dry port and maritime-logistics fields and partecipated/collaborated in the realization of important projects in high risk seismic areas.

Eng. Gino Bechi, during his career, held numerous surveys in civil and industrial fields, being a consultant of various and important banks, such as Monte dei Paschi di Siena. He is also consultant for Kiron Company and member of Technical Consultant Register of Pisa Court.

RGB STUDIO, relying on a Team of professional engineers (P.E.), provides consultancies in civil, industrial, mechanical, logistics-maritime fields and in building sites security.

» Italian